
We love to hatch out new chicks for your family.  Many people get our poultry for their own homestead to enjoy for themselves.  Currently, we are hatching Silkies, English Jubilee Orpingtons, Golden Laced Orpingtons, Black Copper Marans, and Lakenvelders.





Golden Comet
Golden Comet

One of the things that drew us to the country was the fresh eggs we ate while living in the city!  We had a few backyard chickens and they gave us some eggs.  We really enjoyed watching the chickens range around our backyard and wanted to have more.  Now that we live in the country we have expanded our flock.

Our egg layers are a mix of Ameracauna, White Rock, Buff Orpingtons and Production Red cross called a Golden Comet.  We chose these girls because they are prolific layers and will be able to produce eggs for us even when other flocks are not laying as much due to molting.  We also like that we can offer a variety of egg colors which is fun.  They are very friendly and range pretty well.


Cornish Cross Chick
Baby Chick

We will be offering fresh chicken grown on our farm.  We will be raising one batch of these this season so if want some you need to let us know by June 1st. These are raised here as day-old chicks which are shipped directly from the hatchery without any shots or medication.  We raise these chickens on our farm with TLC, NO hormones, NO antibiotics and plenty of fresh air and sunshine!

This year we raised the Cornish Rock Cross.  This is the production chicken that is commonly grown for consumption today.  These chickens grow quickly because of their genetics and have large breasts that make them so desirable for the market.  We use chicken feed purchased locally that is non-medicated so you can be assured that the meat will be clean.

As soon as they are old enough to be brought out of the brooder we get them into the chicken tractors and onto the grass.  They get to live out the rest of their life in the sun and breathing fresh air.

Once these birds reach maturity we have processed them on the farm in the past but currently, take them to be processed at a USDA inspected facility. We want to make sure their life cycle from birth to your table is under our control. You’re always welcome to visit our farm anytime. We want you to know your farmer and understand where your food comes from and the manner that it is raised.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the most wholesome chicken you can get.  If you have never had a fresh rotisserie chicken that has been cooked to perfection you have not yet lived!  Our experience has been a very juicy meat with excellent flavor.